Your age please, and your expertise on "every" generation. I am quite serious about asking for your credentials in making the statements that you have. Or are you simple saying that you are not a grownup?
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
-Socrates (470 BC - 399 BC)
Sorry to say Gov. but the rules have changed, this generation is now a no-fault one, it is now TV, the movies, video games or bad parents who are the reason kids do the things they do.
I think Art's list is more about how todays society sugar coats and babies today children.
How absurd is a game with no winning or losing?
You are right about the having to learn on your own, but I think this list is alittle different.
How do you say... pwned? All generations are the same. We are ALL arrogant and self-centered as young adults.
If we were all of the mindset of middle-aged men we would never be driven to explore, invent, or improve society.