I don't think the merge example exactly addresses visotech's concern. Sometimes threads or topics are so bloated that they don't work anymore.
Take the politics section - if we were really ruthless about merging similar threads, we'd have "the abortion thread", "the gun control thread", etc... People wouldn't want to post in them because they're choked up with what's already happened, and we all know that we haven't "done" those topics to the point that there's no reason to discuss them. Sometimes a fresh start is appropriate.
On the other hand, the sexuality section is pretty much the opposite. Every thread on penis size or cheating or porn on the boyfriend's computer says the same stuff - almost invariably they go the same places, and that makes them seem really tedious to people that have been around for a bit... Maybe people feel like we're too aggressive with those threads? I don't know.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam