Originally Posted by willravel
I know it may not seem that way, but you are playing the part of judge, jury and executioner based on your last sentence. those who commit heinous acts of violence upon people do not deserve the life that they have been given suggests that you decide that they do not deserve their lives. Do you believe that the criminal gave you the right to make this heavy decision by attacking you?
It is my 'personal' belief that those who rape and murder others are not worthy of their own life because they do not respect the lives of others, but I do not believe that I am the judge, jury, and executioner all in one. I do believe in a system of justice, but the one we currently have isn't working all that well. Did the criminal give me the right to decide to take his life when he attacked me or others? yes, I do. It's called self defense or defending others who weren't able to defend themselves.
Originally Posted by willravel
If so, then I would request on behalf of the criminals that you do absolutely everything you possibly can to save the lives of all parties involved in the situation. I beg that you do everything you possibly can to spare them their lives as you defend yourself or your family. Do not shoot them in the chest when a shot in the leg, arms, or shoulders will stop them, please.
are you a presbyterian by any chance? There are always situational factors that one has to take in to account when employing lethal force. If someone is being brutally attacked and I draw my weapon, if that individual then stops and sits there afraid that I will shoot them, then I will keep him there until police arrive. If that individual refuses to stop even though i'm aiming at him, I will shoot where it will ensure the threat is stopped. That is usually the chest (biggest target area and unlikely to hit anyone else).
Originally Posted by willravel
Those are both potentially and specifically lethal shots. I see no reason for using lethal force when you have a weapon such as a gun.
That is precisely the point of a gun. To meet lethal force with lethal force.
Originally Posted by willravel
You would make a statement by taking a life?
Yes, I would. If my 'statement' prompts others with criminal intent to take pause and reconsider, then my 'statement' was worth it.
Originally Posted by willravel
I'm afraid I may have misjudged you.
I do not see how. You already know I'm a proponent of the death penalty. You already know that I'm a former active duty marine. I would do the same for anyone. I don't know you or your family, yet were I to ever chance upon a scene of one or more people trying to victimize you or yours, I would stop them, by whatever means necessary and if that entails taking the life/lives of someone intent on causing you or yours harm, then so be it. That is how we take care of our fellow man against the predators of this world.