Well, only you can say if you need to stop watching porn, because everyone is different. I'd say that there becomes a point when it's an addiction, and I don't think any addictions are good, but only you can say if you are addicted or if you think you watch too much and need to cut back. But it definitely is possible to quit doing anything. All it takes is determination. Anyone is capable of doing anything as long as they put their mind to it. The only thing I would suggest is to not quit cold turkey. I mean, if your goal is to completely stop watching porn then maybe yeah you might think about going cold turkey, but otherwise I'd just try and cut back slowly. Set limits and stick to them.
I watch very little porn myself, and I don't think I watch any more or less when I'm in a relationship. Porn just doesn't really interest me all that much. I know some people who watch more when they are in a relationship, and I know some who watch less though. So I don't know what the norm is, or if there even is one.