Does everyone here remember when you had to CAMP OUT FOR TICKETS?
Wow, how times have changed... You have to run multiple accounts in multiple browsers? Shit man, I used to get my mom to bring me a burger and hot chocolate at midnight so that I wouldn't freeze to death. I had to see Metallica. I had to.
How would you design the system? How would it work without the bottle-neck that is so frustrating to you and others?
Remember when you go to a movie, and there is the line-up that instantly disintegrates once the doors open? You patiently wait in line for an hour to see LOTR, you are fifth in line, the door opens and 50 people "squeeze" past you? It is mob mentality, and I have seen it get ugly. Especially when people CAMP OUT for tickets. People have died due to rush seating (was it a Who concert back in the late 60s? Help me out here, you old fogeys). That is what ticketmaster provides. A check and balance against mob mentality.
I think the internet thing is cool, but there should be a reservation list that ticketmaster puts out. Here's how I would do it:
You love Band A. You listen to them all of the time, and you remember seeing them when they were first touring pubs and little shit-holes. Now they are fucking huge. International superstars.
You go to, and you put down a deposit for the next time Band A comes to town. You put down however much you feel you like the band.
When the concert is announced, the list that you subscribed to instantly spits out your ticket, using a weighted average on your deposit amount and how long it has been reserved.
You put down 100 bucks 2 years ago for this concert, and you didn't even know when they would be there? You get front row, centre. You have proven your desire for this ticket with the one thing that the economy cannot dispute. YOUR MONEY.
Now, you can play with the numbers a bit to make the weighting system fair.
20 bucks a year ago should mean more than 100 bucks two weeks ago, IMHO.
Then the regular tickets get sold to the public.
Now, if you love lots and lots of bands, you could put your money into a pot, a deposit account with a list of bands, maybe in preferential order. You go to every concert in your city? Put in $1000, and say "I want to see these 10 bands." When the band announces, you go and get your ticket, and you know the only people that are ahead of you in seat selection are those folks that paid MORE THAN YOU, and also said that they want to see that band.
What is your system?
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.