Originally Posted by Daval
I am kinda pissed off we were mislead about this whole major accident thing, they clearly showed someone being medivacced off of the island.
Daval, just because we didn't see it last night, doesn't mean it didn't happen. I think making up that kind of footage is way out of bounds for Burnett and co. We'll see.
Mister Coaster, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this one. For guys like Aras and Shane, they couch everything as "being honest," then, when you have a problem with it, they turn it back on you. "Hey, I was just being honest with you when I called you a fat loser and told you there was no way you could win. Can't you take honesty?" Those two, along with Courtney, work my very last nerve. I really think, if they'd been in different tribes, they'd have been long gone by now. Unfortunately, someone's going to look at one of these idiots as an excellent choice to take to the final two with them. Ugh.