Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
what they don't show is the five minutes of whining before hand about only getting two presents... The N64 and the remote control car. If you listen, you can hear him say "now I understand!"... Greedy kid.
Or the months and months of whining and wheedling and begging leading up to Christmas.
Methinks he doth rejoice too much. You only go over the top like that when you've got something to prove. Notice how often he looks back to make sure his mom is watching his little performance? Like, Look, mommy and daddy! How happy I am mommy and daddy bought me the thing I've been begging and begging and begging them for. See, mommy and daddy? Happy! Happy happy! Yay for this wonderful thing I've begged and pestered and annoyed you for! See? It was really
really worth it to buy it for me; for lo, how happy I now am!
Ick. This is why I'm not having children.