Originally Posted by ngdawg
Voted definitely straight as I don't think fantasies really count. My best friend and I played around as teens and at that time it was really fun, but I LOVE men, have more male friends than female and, quite frankly, enjoy a good old fashioned missionary pounding LOL
Well, i Love men too... and an old fashioned missionary pounding? sign me up
And i also typically have always been friends with guys, not esp. women for some reason. I find I often relate to men better.
I find my sexuality shifts periodically... some months i'm really into fantacizing about women and that's all i will have fantasies about... other months, it's all about men... I've given up trying to understand why it shifts and i just accept it
When i think of women... it's not just on a sexual attraction level... I hope that one day I will have a relationship with a woman on an emotional/sexual level, but i admit... i will probably always feel more comfortable in a hetero relationship, i'm not sure if this is because of society or because that's just what i'm used to.