Diamonds are an interesting study in sales prowess and consumer information.
Do you have the technical knowledge and equipment to accurately measure the stone? No? Then as the salesperson, I could tell you that it is 1,458 cuzbitisings (pronounced cuh-bite-eye-sings) which is really good and you are fucked right off of the start.
You have a case if you were told the diamond in the centre was .69 carats and it is less (more than 10percent? Hell yes). If the total weight is the same, meaning that the side stones are fractionally bigger, then there is a defence.
You also stated that the stones are not certified. Other than the stone being an actual diamond, all the certification does is inflate the price to make you feel better.
Is it a diamond? How about the side stones?
Caveat Amptor, in this case, I fear. You got a nice ring for your future bride. That is what matters.
I would lodge a complaint with the Better Business Bureau if you have been lied to by a salesperson. You cannot prove the lie without spending more money. Oooops.
Oh, and .69 anything is never "considered three quarters". It is almost, but everything being relative, you should wave a red flag when getting a sales pitch like this. Ask if their price is considered "Almost retail".
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.