Originally Posted by raeanna74
My wrists give me a lot of trouble. I cracked a bone in my right wrist 15 years ago and it still bothers me. I've sprained the same wrist in a car accident. It gives me a lot of trouble now. I have seen Dr's for it and they mostly just give me those braces to immobilize it. Or gave me muscle relaxants or pain pills. Nothing more than that. I went to a chiropractor for other things after that accident and he worked wonders on my wrist. Since then I've had a Surgeon recommend that I go to a certain Chiropractor for things too. I would suggest that you could go, have the chiropractor check it out and ask him what you can do to protect your wrists while lifting. I think prevention would be the best course of action.
If you get a good chiro they can work wonders. I know that from personal experience. And it's not just your back...I have elbow trouble and mine helps tremendously.