My current lady friend is very much a pagan. So much so she will call herself "witch". I knew some of her friends through other Wiccans and Pagans these past few years. Each of these people who truly follow the teachings and writings of Silver Raven Wolf, Raymond Buckland, Laurie Cabot, or even Scott Cunningham to just name a few, are the most non-judgemental, caring, loving and open group of people as a whole I have ever met, in MOST cases. In some ways they are as close minded and prejudiced as those they accuse as being such.
According to those I have met the difference between Wicca and Paganism is that Wiccans acknowledge their dark side, not necessarily follow it, but acknowledge the darkness is just as powerful as the light.
The credo for them is "Do what you will so long as you hurt none".
Is it derogatory to call them Pagans and Witches when they themselves do? It depends on how open you are. It can be used as a slur but most everyone I have met is proud of the religious/philosophical choice they have made.
Personally, I love to learn all I can about the beliefs, and I respect them, but my lady friend says I am more a spiritualist as I follow my own drum and beliefs. I take into account all beliefs, learn all I can about each and see them all as the same.
Every religion to its followers teaches to love, live and share your experiences with others. Not one religion I have ever studied even suggests hurting an innocent man and many only say to in self defense if at all.
So where in does the problem lie?
The problem lies as it always does in man's own perceptions and fear of things he does not know or understand. The same fears that make a man prejudiced against skin color or sexist or hateful to anyone for whatever discriminatory label you wish to put on the hate.
The solution lies in not being afraid but of learning the belief and truly being open to those teachings. Once you are you see that the teachings themselves are harmless and close to each other.
Many talk of what Christ did during the years not covered in the Bible, many Pagans believe he was taken to the Celtic druids and taught their ways. To these people, it is evident in the 13 men (13 is the ultimate number for a coven), or in the Passion of Christ how it opens with him praying alone at night in the woods before going to dinner. Of course people can see into anything and get what they want to see out of it. Does that make it any less true? No. Perhaps what the Pagans believe about Christ is true.
Are the Mormons wrong for their belief that Christ was here and taught the Native Americans? Who knows? I will not play God and make that judgement.
Who's to say Christ, Jehovah, Mother Earth, Buddha, Confucious, Vishnu, Ra, Zeus, Guru Nanek Dev, Ra, or any other "God" or prophet or religious belief man has made or followed is not one and the same. Just that entity chose to expose himself in ways that the population at that time could understand. For it is not the true teachings men tend to follow but the interpretations of the supposed leaders that are followed.
EVERY MAJOR RELIGION, THAT IS NOT ENTIRELY MAN MADE (sorry Scientologists and Aetheriests) MAINTAINS THE EXACT SAME CONSTANT: NEGATIVITY BEGETS NEGATIVITY. And yet almost every religious leader (MAN/WOMAN) to maintain power and control of the masses preaches in negative tones.
That is the true problem........ not someone's beliefs. This is why I am a Unitarian Universalist, one doesn't have to identify to the confines and prejudices of a single religion. Instead you realize that all religion/spirituality is in the heart and soul of the individual and should be allowed it's proper growth. That growth being educating yourself to others ways so that you may understand them better and develop a respect and peace with them.... not a fear, a prejudice and hatred toward them.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 03-17-2006 at 03:08 AM..