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Old 03-16-2006, 05:14 PM   #11 (permalink)
Apocalypse Nerd
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Originally Posted by nefarious
There are plenty of stories in addition to this. If they were killed in the line of duty, is it automatically a conspiracy?
In this government, that is not open to independant observation -that abuses power in every possible way -yes it is most likely a conspiracy. The day that they start becoming more open is the day that the need to ask questions like this is nullified.

Besides the fact that the Chicken Hawks in the Bush administration would want everyone to believe that everyone who picks up a gun is a NeoCon... this was a guy that was lauded by the Bush administration and set up to be their poster boy. The poster boy that really couldn't stand Bush or his cronies in any way.

Who killed Pat Tillman?
He took three bullets in his forehead.

Thatīs how NFL football legend and patriot soldier Pat Tillman died.

Three bullets to his brain.

A soldier eyewitness said he followed "a river of blood" gushing from Tillmanīs body and "saw his head was gone."

Thatīs how NFL football legend and patriot soldier Pat Tillman died.

But was Tillman murdered?

Conservative commentator James Buchanan says itīs likely. And he says the Neocons did it.

And believe it or not, the U.S. militaryīs now looking into it.

Whoooaaah, Nellie, as we say to our runaway horses here in the west.

Thatīs heavy stuff! But Buchananīs arguments go far to explain how three American bullets ended up in Tillmanīs forehead before they disintegrated it, and who might have put them there.

Citing the San Francisco Chronicleīs September 2005 investigation, Buchanan concludes that Tillman took three bullets to his brain fired by a U.S. shooter who clearly knew who Tillman was because Tillman, after radioing for a cease-fire, repeatedly shouted, "Cease fire, friendlies, I am Pat f…ing Tillman, dammit!." Buchanan asserts that Neocons ordered Tillman assassinated because the uber jock was also an uber intellectual whoīd supported Bushīs war in Afghanistan by enlisting to fight al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, but protested when Bush moved his war to Iraq.

Posted to Iraq with his brother, Tillman openly voiced his contempt for the Bush administration, declaring the Iraq War was "so f …ing illegal," and he reportedly urged fellow soldiers to vote for Bush foe John Kerry in the 2004 presidential elections. And according to Tillmanīs family, Tillmanīs remarks werenīt just idle chatter.

Tillman had the best of both brawn and brains. He was a college graduate who subscribed to The Economist magazine, whoīd kept a daily journal since high school, who passionately studied World War II history and the works of writers as diverse as Winston Churchill and radical anti-Iraq War scholar Noam Chomsky, and even had an appointment to meet with Chomsky when he returned stateside.

Three bullets in the forehead later, and Tillman wasnīt talking anti-Bush trash-talk to soldiers, declaring the Iraq War illegal, promoting Kerry for president, or meeting with Chomsky every again.

Buchanan asserts that the close range of Tillmanīs fatal wounds implies that the shooter "had a good look at him." While the lantern-jawed Tillman was clean-shaven and helmeted, "Afghan rebels typically have beards and turbans." Tillmanīs killer "could have been laying [sic] in wait for Tillmanīs unit to pass by or may even have been a corrupted member of Tillmanīs unit," Buchanan speculates.

Whoooaaah Nellie!

While not going so far as Buchanan, the San Francisco Chronicle averred: "Tillmanīs death came at a sensitive time for the Bush administration—just a week before the Armyīs abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq became public and sparked a huge scandal." The Pentagon, President Bush, and conservative commentators proclaimed him a hero whoīd died in enemy combat. Ann Coulter proclaimed him "virtuous, pure and masculine like only an American male can be." His memorial service "drew 3,500 people and was nationally televised," the Chronicle added.

But some say the military and the White House knew all along that it was a lie—that Tillman had taken three American bullets in his forehead, all the while screaming out his own name. And if Buchanan is right, the shooter was close enough to his target to hear, and kept shooting at his target anyway.

And his target was Tillman.

Evidence that might have normally been collected in the course of an investigation vanished. The military burned Tillmanīs bullet-riddled body armor, blood-soaked uniform, and Kevlar vest, and his battlefield journal disappeared. They awarded Tillman a Silver Star—Americaīs third-highest medal for heroic combat--and told quite a dramatic story about how Tillman had barked out commands under enemy fire.

But Tillmanīs parents werenīt buying it. And neither were those closest to Tillman, who unlike the breathless Ann Coulter, knew that the icon of American masculinity was, well, openly bashing Bush, openly declaring the Iraq War "illegal," and openly reading Chomsky.

Tillmanīs parents demanded a full investigation, and insisted that "all avenues" of motive and action remain open. The military begrudgingly agreed. The Chronicle reports that the first military investigator concluded that some soldiers could be charged with "criminal intent," and others with "gross negligence." With no little understatement, the Chronicle explained that the difference between terms "is roughly similar to the distinction between murder and involuntary manslaughter."

Is the Chronicle saying that the military is saying that some soldiers in Tillmanīs unit murdered him, and others just mistakenly fired along?

The next question is, did the American soldiers who murdered Tillman act on their own, or were they recruited to kill?

Whoooaaah Nellie! Thatīs a runaway horse for sure.
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