In the end, the US cannot talk from both sides of it's mouth at once. It's just ridiculous to go around preaching "free market" and "democracy" while at the same time setting an example to the opposite...
Using your superior military to secure a shipping lane is one thing, using it to force sovreign nation's to continue using your currency to trade in oil is an entirely different matter.
This doesn't work. The US did not get oil from Iraq because they did not want to buy it from Iraq. If we were simply after the oil and not attempting to create a democratic beacon of hope in the region we'd just become friends with Saddam again.
And host, you need to add another part to your poll.
At the moment it resembles:
A) I'm naming my first born George Walker
B) I support Bush fully
C) I support Bush on most things, but not everything
D) I support Bush because of his military leadership
E) I support Bush because of his economic leadership
You wouldnt vote on this poll just like I'm not voting on yours.