Dane, First off congratulations!
Secondly, Victoria! My wife and I spent 7 days up there last October. It is a beautiful city. Personally, I think Cabo is over rated, but really it depends on how you like to vacation. If you like to sit around by a pool, drinking and soaking up the sun, Cabo is a better choice. But if you like more of an intimate romantic atmosphere, Victoria IMHO is much better. Also, are you a seafood lovers? Victoria's seafood is unreal. We stayed in a condo overlooking the harbor. One evening we went down to the docks, bought some prawns and halibut (all caught that day) stopped and got a bottle of wine and had a great evening in. Speaking of wine, there are tons of wineries with some amazing wine 45 minutes North of Victoria. Butchart Gardens, possibly one of the most beautiful places I have ever been should not be missed. We actually flew into Seattle, had lunch at the great little sandwich place in Pike's Place Market that I love to eat at when I am there. Grabbed our rental and drove up to BC. It's an easy drive with great scenery. There are many of things to share with you about Victoria but one that strikes my mind is that the climate is perfect in September. On the other hand, September is right smack dab in the middle of Hurricane season. My wife and I do a lot of traveling and although one could argue that there are to many places in the world to visit the same place twice, we just can say enough good things about our time in Victoria and can't wait to go back.
Hope this helps you.