Originally Posted by WillyPete
If you have, you as well as the others here would know that whilst leading the bird, you are still focusing on it's flight pattern waiting for one of the more common ways that the bird will break in flight and hit them at the most critical part of that flight.
Therefore, your weapon is always pointed slightly AHEAD of the animal, where you expect them to fly, whilst your vision is focussed behind it's aimpoint. Unlike deer hunting where your aimpoint is the same as your point of focus. With this in mind I could easily imagine the accident taking place.
Thanks. I was wondering if no one else here had been quail hunting.
Originally Posted by Astrocloud
It's already been well documented that they did not report the crime in a timely fashion. It's also been well documented that "Turd Blossom" was involved making sure everyone got their story straight.
Timely fashion? You mean they didn't tell the Washington press corps as fast as you'd like?
According to this,
The accident happened at 5:30 p.m., and Kenedy County Sheriff Ramon Salinas contacted Chief Deputy Gilberto San Miguel Jr. "at approximately 1830 hrs" (that's 6:30 pm). Considering the time spent administering to Mr. Whittington, and the time spent calling Sheriff Salinas, both of which had to take place before Salinas could call San Miguel, your conspiracy theory has more holes in it than Whittington.