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Old 03-09-2006, 11:27 AM   #67 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
So what exactly is the article saying Host? That the guide doesn't exist, or it is merely from an earlier time?
Here's the rest...Mojo_ please also read my response to you on

April 11, 2005

SPECIAL National Security Notes
UK TERROR TRIAL FINDS NO TERROR: Not guilty of conspiracy to poison London with ricin

by George Smith, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, GlobalSecurity.Org

<b>America "invents" the ricin recipe and prosecution claims fail to persuade</b>

...In a mini-trial within the trial, the prosecution's claims became unconvincing for a number of reasons. The "Manual of Afghan Jihad" was obtained in Manchester in April 2000 by British anti-terrorism agents and subsequently turned over to the FBI's Nanette Schumaker later that month and contains sections on poisons. Its ricin recipe is clearly taken from Hutchkinson and Saxon and although it is of similar nature to the recipe in the Bourgas trial, it is not identical.

In the manner of details, the "Manual of Afghan Jihad" calls for the use of lye in the treatment of castor seeds. The use of lye was subsequently dropped for many methods found in terrorist literature and it also does not appear in the Bourgas recipe. Other portions of the "Jihad" recipe straighforwardly descend from Hutchkinson, including the reference to DMSO. And still other fine details separate it from the Bourgas formulation.

<b>A further knock on the "Manual of Afghan Jihad" as an al Qaida source comes from its apparent origin in the first jihad against the Communist occupation of Afghanistan, prior to al Qaida.</b> The "Manual of Afghan Jihad" was the property of Nazib al Raghie, also known as Anas Al Liby to the US government. At the time the manual was taken off al Raghie in Britain, UK authorities were not interested in him. Neither, apparently, was the FBI and he was not arrested. These days, al Raghie, as Al Liby, is on the FBI's list of most wanted terrorists.

The "Manual of Afghan Jihad's" ricin recipe was fairly obviously not the same as the one presented as evidence in the trial and a representative of the defense added that <b>its appellation as an "al Qaida manual" was and is an invention of the United States government. More to the point, it was the work of the Department of Justice because nowhere in the manual is the word "al Qaida" mentioned although one could find it entitled as such on the DoJ website copy.....</b>
...and...George Smith got a "plug" for his work on the trial....from the Post...
London Ricin Finding Called a False Positive

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, April 14, 2005; Page A22

The claim that traces of the deadly poison ricin had been found in the London apartment of alleged al Qaeda operatives, first broadcast around the world in early January 2003, has been proved wrong, a senior British official said yesterday.......

.......Evidence introduced during the trial included a document from a senior scientist at Porton Down, the British government's biochemical research facility, saying tests showed that "the material from the pestle and mortar did not detect the presence of ricin," according to ,<b>George Smith, a scientist and senior fellow at, who served as an expert for some defendants in the trial..........</b>

Last edited by host; 03-09-2006 at 11:30 AM..
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