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Old 03-08-2006, 11:45 AM   #23 (permalink)
Lemme get this straight.... Two days ago, I tried to get a discussion going here by bringing attention to issues that contradict "signs" that there is a true commitment by the leadership of this country to actually conduct the "War on Terror" in an earnest, honest, way that does not defy "common sense".

I started a new thread here, with the core that was akin to a punch in the gut for me, when I read it, and there was no response from anyone here.

Now, I observe the response to an OP on this thread that offers no information, yet it prompts discussion. I've wondered what it will take to get it through my head that the "theme" on this forum seems much more aligned to the theme of the entire site. The priority seems to be to promote and engage in "chit chat". "Informed" and "discussion" don't seem to require any linkage, and this thread is a "poster child" as an example of why I don't feel like I fit in here, and maybe an indicator of why the country is led by such mediocre and abysmal folks.

Consider that one of the two men who Randy Cunningham fingered as bribing him, a man who the second "Cunningham briber", Mitchell Wade of MZM (Wade just copped a plea in Federal Court, this week), has been reported to be the "mentor" of his "protege", the now convicted Mr. Wade, HAS NOT EVEN BEEN INDICTED! His name is Brent Wilkes. Wilkes best friend is Dusty Foggo, promoted to executive director of CIA, the #3 position in that agency, in Nov., 2004.

This is important enough to expose you to more time. According to "Congressional Quarterly", main stream news organization with <a href="">the most reporters posted to Capitol Hill....125....</a>

The 9/11 Commission "intelligence reform" recommendations were supposedly "implemented", yet we have this report, excerpted from CQ....

If... <h3>They're Evil !!!</h3>... Then.... WTF is this? Why wasn't Cunningham sentenced to death for selling out the rest of us, during "wartime", for his own, selfish gain ??? Why is Dusty Foggo still in his position, instead of being relieved of duty, pending the outcome of the new investigation at CIA? Get real....people. You're just repeating the talking points that you've been fed in speeches of the Crawford "brush clearer"!
On many a workday lunchtime, the nominal boss of U.S. intelligence, John D. Negroponte, can be found at a private club in downtown Washington, getting a massage, taking a swim, and having lunch, followed by a good cigar and a perusal of the daily papers in the club’s library.

“He spends three hours there [every] Monday through Friday,” gripes a senior counterterrorism official, noting that the former ambassador has a security detail sitting outside all that time in chase cars. Others say they’ve seen the Director of National Intelligence at the University Club, a 100-year-old mansion-like redoubt of dark oak panels and high ceilings a few blocks from the White House, only “several” times a week.
I think that the "answers" to the this thread's OP, are available, and that they should be discussed. That requires that someone "bring up" the indicators that there is no official "commitment" to "fight" a "War on Terror". For that to happen, a requirement is an informed group of members. I don't see that there is such a group, because none of the subtle signs reveal that there is a "War"....only greedy, hypocritical, well connected, rich, mostly middle aged and older white men, "makin' money" on the hype that the shills whose campaigns that they've financed spew to the five consolidated major U.S. "news" organs.

The "terror" is the looting of the U.S. Treasury and the mountain of debt that we will leave as a legacy to our descendants, to finance false "hype" that, in response, sends the cash to the old rich, "connected" white men. There is a good chance that both Foggo and Wilkes "are CIA", and that Wilkes is actually "untouchable". The "fog" that the American public is immersed in is evident in the posts here, and the penchant for...when given the choice, to engage in "chit chat" instead of being interested in discussing real reports of the contradictions in what the U.S. government is actually doing to fight "the war". I know....I Know.... I'm just "pointing fingers"...I'm "too partisan"... that must be it!

Last edited by host; 03-08-2006 at 11:50 AM..
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