What turns me off it is not the diminishing factor or anything pro-/anti- but that fact that it just looks so damn scripted right now. It's a cliche.
If I watch a porn then I'll probably turn off the bit at the end because it's just crap usually.
Do I need proof that the guy really has come?
Do I need to see and compare Volume?
Do I really want to watch him take another 5 minutes of self-masturbation to get it done?
The people in the porn generally don't look like they WANT to do it and that's the important thing for me.
She usually just sits there on her knees going 'haaaaahhhhhhhhhh' with her tongue touching her chin as though he's looking for bad tonsils.
It really puts me off seeing that.
It would be more of a turn on, if I had to see the money shot, to have her furiously jerk him off whilst he was tied up or something. Just something out of the norm.
I guess I need to vary my choice of websites.