I think that porn (most porn anyway) represents the facial in a negative light. The girls always seem way suprised at it, or it hits them in the eye and they flinch, or they go all bukkake/Peter North and dump a bowl of spooge on the girl's head.... ewwww. That's not a facial, that's a wierd assed fetish if you ask me.
I LOVE it when Martel gets off because of me. He loves me and thinks I'm the sexiest damned thing on the planet- he wants it any way, every way (see lyrics for Ludacris' "What's Your Fantasy"). I LOVE getting Martel off- it's hot as hell, the whole knees buckling ass dripping with sweat veins buldging and the eye roll that accompanies a good strong cum-in-my-face along with the obvious thought mixed up in his head of "I've got the greatest wife in the whole fucking world!!!" I dig it!
Juice is juice, man... you either dig the juice or you don't. It's cool if you don't, but at some point there needs to be some fluids interchanging in some way in order to have sex....
I like it messy.... If I wasn't such a stickler for clean sheets our bedroom would look completely white under the CSI Spooge-o-tron

Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous