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Old 02-27-2006, 12:26 PM   #40 (permalink)
Just saw this thread. You know, when I was growing up people would call me bonerack, twig, skeletal etc. I could go on. I was a skinny little geek and believe me the ribbing I took from my peers was brutal at times.

Now I'm grown up, must say I have a body I am content with (slim) but the point is that I pay attention to what makes me happy, not what depresses me. I have teeth that are a little crooked. Big deal. My hair is naturally curly and at times has a mind of it's own. Big deal. I've got big feet (not even gonna say) and I snore. Loud. Big deal.

I love cheeses burgers and getting drunk from time to time. I walk so that I don't have to go to some stupid gym to keep up with whomever. The bottom line is that I make my decisions, things that make me happy. I look at Charlize Theron, Angelina, Halle berry,..all of them and admire their beauty. I also admire myself.They are who they are. I am who I am.

Not that I'm pointing this at anyone in particular, but I just wish women would ignore the external things they can't control and exploit the internal beings they are, which they can control. I didn't always live for myself but I do now and know that in the end, it ain't gonna make on bit of difference whether the dress I bought in 2002 was a little tight or the piece of cherry cheese cake I ate last night had 1500 calories. It just doesn't matter.
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