RB is right about one thing, this is a funny thread.
It was meant to be a bi-partisan conversation, hypothetically based, issues such as, is the benefits of improved govt security vs privacy rights and freedom from scrutiny.
At what point does a necessity for security justify erasing some constitutional privacy rights?
Hypothetical, such as, if the US were like Israel and we had bombs going off all the time, I'd be okay with it.
Or in my case, because our freedoms are what should define us as a country, no matter how dangerous America ever got, I wouldn't want that to change. I would rather find other means.
This was never meant to be examples, right here right now, X Y and Z are being taken away. It's a purely hypothetical question which can be supported by some current events but by no means proven one way or another.
You all brought your bigotted, hardened agendas here, which is why we got mired in this crap. That's why the Politics forum is becoming a waste of time to read or to post in. No one wants to be neutral about anything, it's always someone trying to ram their opinion down your throat like it's going to save your life from darkness.
Well, I tried.
Dont be afraid to change who you are for what you could become