02-24-2006, 12:49 PM
#5 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Some back story -- gotta wonder what went thru the courts mind when they gave this guy such a light sentence...
KERRY RAPED BY HER STEPDAD AS SHE LAY DYING Grieving mum spits fury at pervert McKee
By Karen Bale
THE mother of the dying 14-year-old raped by her own stepdad begged the courts last night to cage the pervert for the rest of his life.
Lorna Muchan was at the High Court to hear her ex-lover, George McKee, admit raping her unconscious daughter Kerry.
And afterwards, she agreed to speak to the Daily Record to tell the world how the horrific attack has torn her family apart.
Lorna, 38, said: "McKee is a vile beast. He has destroyed us, destroyed our lives.
"I'm terrified he will only get a few years.
"I want him locked up till he dies. I want him to suffer like we have."
McKee, 50, pounced on Kerry in the home they shared as she lay helpless and mortally wounded after a fall.
The youngster's aunt placed her in the recovery position and told McKee not to touch her. But McKee lay in wait until the aunt had gone, then took Kerry upstairs to his bedroom.
Kerry died in hospital of her head injuries hours later and the post mortem revealed that she had been violently raped.
McKee tried to deny the attack, but DNA evidence left him with little choice but to plead guilty.
The beast had been on bail before yesterday's hearing. But he was behind bars last night, waiting to be sentenced next month.
McKee had been a father figure to Kerry for years. But he raped her in July last year at their home in Paisley, near Glasgow.
Kerry had been drinking with pals and had smoked cannabis and taken valium.
Neil Beardmore, prosecuting, told the High Court in Glasgow: "During the course of the evening Kerry had fallen a few times. Two friends took her to her house."
Kerry arrived home at 12.20am and was put to bed. But she got up again in an agitated state and fell down the stairs.
Her aunt, Hazel, found her. Thinking Kerry had passed out through drink, Hazel put her in the recovery position and told McKee to leave her there while she went round the corner to her house to fetch Lorna.
Hazel then left McKee alone with Kerry.
At 2.15am, a friend who was staying with the family went to McKee's room to say goodnight to him, and found him in bed with his stepdaughter.
Half an hour later, Kerry's sister Amanda, 16, and brother Anthony returned to the house to see how she was.
Mr Beardmore said: "Amanda found Kerry in bed next to the accused. Kerry was on her side with her trousers and pants down."
Kerry's top had also been removed. Amanda began hitting McKee and screaming at him, demanding an explanation.
The rapist turned to look at Kerry, then pulled her trousers and pants up.
An ambulance was called. Kerry's pulse was weak and paramedics massaged her chest to try to get her heart going.
She was taken to the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, but was pronounced dead at 4.50am.
A post mortem revealed that Kerry died of head injuries sustained in her series of falls.
But it also uncovered injuries consistent with a sexual attack of "considerable force".
McKee told police Kerry had come home drunk and shouting for her mum. He said he put her on his bed and lay beside her, but denied undressing her or raping her. McKee claimed he had been aware of Kerry climbing over his legs to go to the toilet, but had then fallen asleep.
Mr Beardmore said: "He went on to say that he knew it wasn't him because he wouldn't touch his daughter."
But McKee's lies were exposed when DNA tests proved he was the rapist. And defence QC Norman Ritchie said he gave his client" fairly blunt advice" about his plea.
As a result, the pervert admitted his guilt. Prosecutors accepted his plea of not guilty to a charge of using lewd, indecent and libidinous practices towards another girl nearly 10 years ago.
Judge Lord Phillip sent McKee, a first offender, to jail to await sentence.
He also called for reports, including an assessment of the risk the rapist may pose in the future. Lorna said outside court: "When I first heard George had raped Kerry I couldn't believe it. Then it all began to sink in and it makes me feel sick inside.
"I deeply regret ever having met him.
"I feel horrible and disgusted at what he's done. In my mind he no longer exists.
"I'm really, really relieved we don't have to face a trial. I know there are photos of Kerry's injuries and I don't think we could have faced seeing that.
"At least I feel a bit of justice has been done because McKee will be locked up.
"But I'm terrified that he will only get a few years. I've got a horrible feeling in my stomach.
"I'm scared he will go and do the same again.
"I hope he gets at least 10 years and I really want him to rot in hell."
'It made me feel sick inside. I deeply regret ever having met him'
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.