Originally Posted by shakran
So you're in favor of anyone having any kind of weapon they want? Don't you think that would get a little insane?
Switzerland has very little 'weapon' control, in fact, I believe its a mandate to carry or at least own a weapon, and they have an extremely low crime rate. Whats insane about that?
Originally Posted by shakran
Ok so if not even half of them do, then at least 51% of gun owners are running around with a weapon they don't know how to use, that they aren't safe with, and that's therefore likely to get them or others hurt. Why is this a good idea again?
Because SOME defense is better than NO defense. YOU alone are responsible for your safety, not the law/police. If YOU fail to properly train yourself with the weapon you are going to use to defend yourself, I say it's darwins law taking effect.
Originally Posted by shakran
Well. . they COULD if they'd been allowed to do what they do rather than being sent over in numbers too small and with plans to hastilly thrown together.
would that be because of political ramifications?
Originally Posted by shakran
Good to hear! Then we shouldn't need as many guns should we? After the rebel half and the order following half eliminate much of each other, there won't be much of a military left over to oppress us. Now, let's take a crazy scenario and say that the rebel half is totally wiped out by the other half - the half that would go after us. We're now facing only half the armed forces. But they still have bombs, missiles, tanks, B52's, howitzers. . You name it. I say again there's no way that a lightly armed populace (after allw e don't all have those missile batteries in our driveways) is going to beat a heavilly armed elite fighting force. No way.
so you say, but you obviously don't have a problem if the government would suddenly decide to completely subjugate us, just so long as people don't have guns, right?
Originally Posted by shakran
So you're relying on the military commanders being total dumbasses? That doesn't sound like a safe survival strategy to me.
the military commanders weren't allowed to do what they needed because of the politicians. political ramifications were in effect. I still say that there are two main reasons why it's incredibly difficult for citizens to arm themselves.....whiney alarmists who think that the average citizen should not be allowed to defend themselves and a government who is afraid of an armed populace.