Originally Posted by maleficent
While I think everyone should be an organ donor, kind of like why I think that everyone should be a blood donor, I don't like the idea of an opt out program... The money that they'd spend to tell people of this program, would be better spent reminding people of the good things that come from organ donation... you're dead anyhow - why do you need your organs...
One of the reasons they spend the money is to raise awareness because most people don't know or care about signing their organ donor card. Stange but true, but ask anyone randomly where 1) they get an organ donor card from and 2) if they have ever signed one.
If the decision to sign one is irrelevant and unimportant to the potential donor, then they should lose by default. But I'm biased, my cousin received a kidney from someone who died in an accident and now is not only alive and healthy but has a new extended family from the people who lost their son. Happy and sad story all at once.