Alrighty- I've been a jeweler's apprentice for a while... not like I have a ton of expierence or anything....
I say, DON'T sell stuff on e-bay. Like it has been said, there is fake stuff out there driving the prices down, and besides, if someone is going to pay a ton of money for really nice jewelery, do you think they shop on e-bay? Probably not.
Also, when you take it around to jewelers (and definitely, definitely, take it to more than one) DON'T tell them it's your jewelry. Tell them it's for a client- they will (even the honest ones) depress the price they tell you if they think you'll sell it for less than it's worth. Take it to places that aren't chains- the jewelers there are more of the "artisan" types and they'll know more about good jewelry and good stones. While you're at it, get each of the stones looked at so you'll know just how "flawless" that diamond really is- again, get a second and third opnion on that.
If you were near Asheville I could tell you some people to go see to check out the stones.... but you're not so it doesn't help. I agree that selling it yourself would net you more money than an auction house or a pawn store (for God's sake, you wouldn't take your Ferrari to Chuck the mechanic, now would you? DON'T take your nice jewelry to a pawn store).
If I find out any other good advice, I'll let you know....
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous -C'hi