We all think about might-have-beens. Bossnass, it sounds like your decision was reasonably thought out, though. What I don't understand are people who go all the way, then turn their back on it:
My wife likes to tell about a man she once worked with at a large, evil bank that shall remain nameless (except for its initials BofA, hey, nobody'll guess). He was in his 20s, an exec, and had dreams of "climbing the corporate ladder." But he was also a top waterpolo playerwho had made the Olympic team. No ifs or buts -- he had _made the team._
Come the Olympics, the bank offered him a leave of absence -- but they wouldn't guarantee that they would hold his job for him. Nice folks.
All his coworkers told him: screw the bank, take the risk, you'll never get another chance like this. But he chose to turn down his trip to the Olympics, trusting in his ability and the opportunities the bank would give him once they recognized his merit.
They laid him off a year later in a reorg.
I sometime wonder if _he_ ever dreams about the choice he made.
Last edited by Rodney; 02-12-2006 at 05:37 PM..