Originally Posted by Locobot
I recomment Cube and The Seventh Seal.
I will try to elaborate which parallels this movie has to my life. The knight came back from Crusades questioning all kind of motives that led him to fight for a cause that he believed. I am everyday questioning the motives that lead me to choose this path or that path and if I am really fighting for a good cause or I am in the middle of a battle that is not mine. In addition, his entire questioning bout the existence of God or His real importance in our world is something that I think most of us can relate to in our lives.
Another movie that made me question bout morality is Rope from Alfred Hitchcock. Until what point someone has the right to decide if someone live is worth/important or not and does it gives the right to take a life away. What does give the feeling that you are more important than the person next to you is.
Taxi Driver – The hero/anti-hero dilemma haunts me as viewer. You cannot help to feel compassion for Travis, after all he does not know any way better to fight the surround madness than the violence.