SM, I completely agree with you that every student at university should be measured by the criteria set for the course. My thoughts were directed at elementary school age groups and that "No Child Left Behind" might be more effective if the teacher is working with students of similar ability. I might have been clearer had I said students of similar prior learning experiences. Not all six-years-old are alike in that some may have been exposed to reading at age four, while others might not had acquired word recognition. I think that range of difference in ability would be very difficult for the teacher who must focus on bringing the least prepared children up to an acceptable ability for that grade level. As Dungeon pointed out, the better prepared students may end up being the ones left behind in the long run. My opinion is that NCLB may have the unintended result of producing mediocre students overall.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007