Originally Posted by Elphaba
I gather from the above article that Wiki does have a volunteer editorial staff that are assigned various subject matter.
Yes, sort of. Everyone can do it, when you have an wikipedia account you can "observe" articles. You have a list of all of your observered articles together with the information of who made the last edit. With one click you can see the changes the last edit has made. With enough voluteers you can observe the whole wikipedia and keep an eye on vandalism.
Originally Posted by Elphaba
Maintaining the additions to events, biographies, etc. with political ramifications appears to be the most difficult arena to supervise.
Yes, political articles of current topics and ongoing events are sometimes a pain in the arse.
Originally Posted by Elphaba
Should Wiki even attempt to cover emerging events, or the biographies of living persons?
Yes, that is the biggest advantage wikipedia has, it can cover topics very fast. You traditional printed encyclopedia is much slower. Wikipedia can provide an article as soon as an event has happened or something new about an topic has been discovered.
The problem is indeed that current events are often very emotional to the involved, the Kosovo article is a good example of this, but I think people should be able to find a version that covers both viewpoints and thus the article can serve as a document of the zetigeist at that time even when the event has "cooled down"
Her is an wikipedia article about the Congress IP banning: