I'm a bit of a geek so I can't speak for the majority of women on what is boring. I'm sure that some of my interests such as science fiction, fantasy and politics would bore a lot of women to tears. I think treating the opposite sex like you would treat members of your own sex is a pretty good idea. At least then they feel like they're being treated like equals.
I do think a guy and girl who find each other attractive can be friends. But maybe not great friends with a huge emotional attachment. I think it's just too similar to what you have with your SO and can lead to jealousy and doubt. (This depends on the people of course but I am speaking in generalities.) Most people become complacent with people they are used to having around. You start talking about sexual topics, give each other little touches here and there. Then one day things are a little rocky in your relationship and you start telling the friend all about your problems giving them ammo against your SO and giving them perhaps the idea of a green light. Pretty soon, the friend knows all about your history with your SO and doesn't hesitate to remind you of certain incidents. But of course, they only know one side. Then again, maybe I am completely off, but unfortunately I am speaking from experience. Yeah, I'm still embittered.
As far as how i can tell when a guy is interested, it's not usually that difficult but of course there's margin for error. It's not usually one sign but a combination of them. There's the flirting, which of course some guys love to do. But if I see them flirting that way with other women then I usually rule that out. There's also the gaze that makes you whip your head around because you can feel their stare. Then there's the blushing when they talk to you and they don't blush around other women. Also, defending of my opinions/actions to themselves and others. Oh, and also laughing at jokes that even I know are a bit lame even when I utter them.