Originally Posted by roachboy
will: i am on my way out the door, kinda (have to go warm up before a performance in about an hour and a half)
dont take what i wrote the wrong way: there is a kind of community here, yes. i hold myself at a bit of a remove from it because of my awareness of the degree to which roachboy is, in fact, a persona. in the forums, the distance between myself and roachboy can be quite great--i think kind of the same way, but the voice that comes out through roachboy is very very different from the person pulling his strings. not unrelated. not the same. roachboy is a surface. he, too, has adventures. they are and are not my adventures.
this is a silent space.
the world i live in is not.
this is a 2-dimensional space.
the world i live in is not.
the fit between 2 and 3-d is highly variable.
what ends up migrating from one to the other, when the folk here meet up, is what each of us pulls from one to the other.
that's it.
I'm sure you'll do famously at the performance.
Some of the thing's I've read on TFP have conveyed truely brilliant ideas coming from truely brilliant minds; minds that live in the 3D world. Even though it is impossible to represent a full 3 dimentional person on TFP, that doesn't make the 2D persona any more or less important. The way that we communicate, language, is a 2d form of communication. True, nonverbal communication, which can communicate volumes, is not present, but the center of communication is often in the words. TFP is about the words. My words, your words, even Ustwo's words. Those words are inately valuable.
/end threadjack