I'm also a bit on the fence. Frankly, there are a lot of 23 and 33 y/o men and women who aren't emotionally ready for sex. Or financially ready for an unexpected pregnancy. There are people with 15 kids that are on social aid that should've never been allowed to have sex no matter what their age. There are some people at 13 that are FAR more mature and capable of emotional understanding. Also, as previosuly mentioned, just a hundred years ago, marriage and child-bearing at 13-14 were not uncommon at all. It wasn't until the 40s or 50s when this suddenly became taboo. Kids often have "kid" mentality at 13 becuase our society (especially in the US) tells them that they are still kids. I have a ten year old that acts very ten. In three years he may act very 13, or very 16... you never know how people are going to turn out year to year.