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Old 01-27-2006, 02:18 AM   #1379 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
Frosstbyte's Avatar
Location: The North
Following is a Razorgore strategy.


If you don't want to know how the Razorgore fight works because you like to do them fresh, don't read this, please, for me. Just don't. Do it for yourself to. We'll all be happier.

Spoiler: Before you do anything else, you need to designate mind-controllers. Hopefully, you can get the same people to do it every time in order to ensure that they're familiar with their fairly odd role in this fight. We use a rogue and have him MC from the base of the platform right below the orb instead of up top. Another set up point. Make four groups of ten and make them as balanced as possible between healing and DPS. Assign one group to each corner of the room. That group is responsible for CC in that corner.

Razorgore is a four stage fight.

1) Stage One, Who needs a controller anyway?
-this is easy, you kill the named elite and his two guards while the mind controller starts breaking eggs
-after they all die, you have a few seconds during which nothing happens for groups to get into the correct corners and get organized

2) Stage Two, Where are all these guys coming from?
-now the guys start popping out, each type is dealt with differently
--mages: kill kill kill, all rogues and hunters should be taking these down as fast as possible
--legionaires: warriors (and only warriors) get aggro on them doing whatever necessary, once they get a couple, they should start kiting them around in a figure-8 pattern, using the elevations to gain distance-ONLY PALADINS should heal the warriors so priests don't pull aggro and get squished
--dragonspawn: there are a capped number of these and they are best CC'd by druids and warlocks; 1 druid/lock : 1 dragon for the whole fight; have warlocks curse of shadows and then chain fear, have druids faerie fire and chain sleep; the debuff is to indicate that the mob is taken and people should pick unmarked ones to CC

Hunters should feign death and drop a slowing trap at every available opportunity. Priests basically stay put so they don't pull aggro and die during this phase. Towards the end of this phase there will be a LOT of legionaires running around so warriors should be prepared to using piercing howl to slow them or their AE fear howl to get them clear if necessary. Towards the very end of the fight (5-ish eggs left) you will want to have the person MC-ing Razor use his AE fireball to gather EVERYTHING in the room on razor and then have that person release Razor and kite the entire room around while the last eggs are broken. Hunter slowing traps and warrior howls/shouts are key to making sure this person stays up long enough for the last MC'er to finish breaking the eggs.

3) Stage 3, Wait for it...WAIT for it...
-the orb breaks, everyone runs out of the room and Razor is free and ready to smack down some newbs
-ALL DPS should hide behind pillars during this phase to ensure that Razor's AE attacks don't kill them
-Healers should be as far away as possible from Razor
-tanks should be in mix FR/defense gear-you need AT LEAST two tanks for this fight, three is safer
-the tanks should pick him up however they can-you need one on his face and one on his ass
-Razor has two main dangerous attacks:
---AE fireball, hits anyone within damage range and in LoS
---frontal cone conflagration, hits anyone in 90 degree arc in front of him, same as Drak's, you run around like an idiot, take a LOT of damage and lose aggro until it goes away
-BOTH tanks need to build up as much hate as possible so when he conflags one tank he just turns around and starts attacking the other
-healers must be vigilant about healing both tanks (even the one he's not attacking) as he and conflagration do a lot of damage
-wait on all DPS until both tanks have a comfortable (whatever that is for you) amount of hate on Razorgore

4) Stage Four, Don't Die
-this is pretty simple, all you have to do is keep both tanks alive and not pull hate
-DPS need to bandage and pot, as all healer mana should go towards keeping the tanks up
-mages and warlocks need to be VERY careful about overnuking so they don't pull hate; the conflag doesn't WIPE aggro, but your tank can't build up aggro while he's conflagged, so the aggro threshold is slightly lower
-hunters need to feign death every time it's up, rogues need to feint every time it's up and rogues ought to vanish probably around 30% or so
-keep it up until he dies, and receive your Untamed Blade (hopefully) as reward; you might get an arcane infused gem, in which case you have every right to cry piteously because it's terrible except for stopping mass flag caps in BG

If any of that is unclear, please let me know. If you want to IM me about it, my handle is Frosstbyte and I'll be happy to fill in any details I've missed.

On a side note, I do NOT recommend their chromaggus placement. There's a much (in my opinion) easier place than that which does not require pulling him so far. If you're interested when you get there, let me know and I'll tell you. Their other strats are either identical to the ones we use or so close as to not make a meaningful difference (e.g. we fight ebonroc facing the other direction, big whoop).
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