Originally Posted by dksuddeth
The people of S.F. do not have the right, nor the authority, to rewrite the constitution nor repeal the 2nd amendment. If that were the case, then locales around the nation could void the other 9 if they chose to do so.
You mean that they are rewriting your interpretation of the Second Amendment. If it were so cut and dry, then the vote never would have occoured.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
has anyone ever told you the definition of insanity?
Well I am getting my masters in psyc, so I'd probably know. Prescedent provides for the educated guess that this could fail, but not a certianty.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
and so far thats been a pretty good deterrent.
And how many times have we been told that terrorists, or Iran, are a nuclear threat? How many times did school children from the 50s through the 80s have to practice nuclear blast tests in school? How many nuclear missles does Israel have? MAD is a eprfect acronym, in that it represents the madness in the ultimate form of escilation.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
But not everyone else can and that seems to be the point you're not willing to acknowledge.
You're taking the scenereo farther than it needs to go. SECURITY DOORS, BARS ON WINDOWS. These are true deterrents from crime, and more specifically home invasion. No one will rape my daughter because they can't get to her without serious welding tools, and a lot of time and effort.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
and you take away the availability to criminals by making them illegal for all?
If we lived in a hypothetical world in which I had the power to do something of that magnitude with a 100% success rate, then yes, I'd take every weapon and destroy them. You would not have a gun, nor would anyone.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
I hope and pray that nothing ever does happen to your daughter, but even criminals get lucky. Are you willing to bet her life on it?
I seeimgly do every day. It's the same as the meteor insurance I talked about in the last thread. I see the odds of something like that happening as so minute that it would be ludicris for me to take steps to prevent such an occourance. I don't have volcano insurance, and I don't have a gun.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
All studies so far have proven differently.
So if criminals had no guns, then they would somehow be MORE dangerous?
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Like I said, the system is broken, or at least limping towards an early death. Instead of arming ourselves, we should concentrate on fixing the preventitive and punitive measures.
EDIT: BTW, I hope you don't think that becuase we are on seemingly oppositional sides of the discussion that I don't enjoy hearing every response. Thanks for the excelent discussion, and I look forward to page after page of further discussion.