It looks like more states are not having Medicaid fund this surgery. In the future, it could be just as culturally unacceptable to be circumcised. Or the younger circumcised guys are the different ones just like they are in Europe. The Internet is allowing a lot of people to see for themselves what goes on, and why it isn't necessary to remove the foreskin.
The estimated savings from discontinuing this procedure are $172,800 from the General Fund. Major private insurers in Idaho have discontinued this procedure based upon the newest evidence that it is medically unnecessary."
Currently 14 states have ended Medicaid funding of non-therapeutic circumcision: Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.
I don't want my tax dollars to fund this, and I have made the choice to have a health insurance plan that doesn't cover it. So, the question is, if you had to pay ~$200 out of your pocket, would you still do it?