I've never seen any in depth discussion on the TFP about pencil & paper RPGs, so here goes...
Who plays? What games? Do you GM? What's your favorite genre and system?
I started out as an AD&D gamer in the mid 90s, and through the years I've played ALOT of D&D both 2nd and 3rd editions. Also played quite a bit Whitewolf, mostly Mage with a little Vampire and Werewolf tossed in, as well as Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu (both Chaosim and d20), Star Wars (West End and d20, I actually liked the d20 version better because Jedi weren't the best at EVERYTHING), and I'd love to play Exalted but can never get in on a game.
Recently my tastes have branched out into some lesser known RPGs. My current favorite system is the Tri Stat system found in Big Eyes Small Mouth (an anime RPG) and Silver Age Sentinels (superhero). I'm also pretty fond of the new Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG, it's a neat little system and the books are GORGEOUS. I've found that I like these better than more complex RPGs like d20 or HERO because they run faster, there's less rules to remember, and very few charts you have to reference. When I was playing D&D we'd always have to break out the rulebook to check some obscure point, and with rules light RPGs I don't have to worry about it.
I GM a lot. In fact its hard for me to find a game where I can actually play and not GM. I enjoy it immensely though so I don't mind. Most of the games I run are D&D style fantasy, even though I don't really use the D&D system anymore. I would love to run a superhero game though, and I'm itching to try out my Buffy RPG.
I also own waaaaaaay too many dice.