Pure subtlety rogue... I've been thinkin about this lately.
1. Improved sap is wonderful, esp in PvP and taking out the mages that like to sit at the back lines.
2. Amazing openings.
Preparation + cheapshot/ambush/garrote (w/ additional chance to get extra combo point) = immediate 4 or 5 point opening.
45% additional chance to crit with Ambush on top of a base 25% (maybe more depending on additional gear) = 70% chance to crit, whic will snag a nice chunk of HP most of the time, and either follow up with a full blown rupture, kidney shot, or take your chance with a crit evis.
Improved rupture will get you a nice 1200 damage DoT on TOP of your crit ambush.
Toss in a gouge here and there..
Setup... 45% chance to get a point if you dodge would be nice for when you toss on evasion.
Depending on which class you're fighting, you pretty much have em down 2000+ HP before they can even do anything, and on top of that you have plenty of room for stun locking.
Seems rather... sexy.
I'd like to use this for PvE as well as PvP.. seems it would work rather nicely in either situation. With my personal play style, I like to stealth and just hit out of nowhere as opposed to head-to-head melee.
Any comments, things I might be missing?
Here's what I've come up with:
Malice Rank 5
Ruthlessness Rank 3
Assassination Total: 8
Lightning Reflexes Rank 5
Improved Backstab Rank 1 (had a point left over, so i tossed it in here)
Combat Total: 6
Master of Deception Rank 5
Camouflage Rank 5
Opportunity Rank 5
Initiative Rank 5
Ghostly Strike Rank 1
Improved Ambush Rank 3
Improved Rupture Rank 3
Improved Sap Rank 3
Preparation Rank 1
Improved Cheap Shot Rank 2
Setup Rank 3
Premeditation Rank 1
Subtlety Total: 37
Total Points Spent: 51
Level Required: 60
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 01-09-2006 at 01:00 PM..