Munich - reviews
I truly enjoyed this film. The cast was superb. Eric Bana and Ciaran Hinds offered great performances. My favorite aspect of the film was the characters. Each being rich and vivid. Spielberg has a gift at getting the most out of his actors.
The editing was pretty good; there are certain parts where the film lags. The cinematography, as expected, was wonderful. Though there were a few scenes that seemed really amateurish and un-inspired. But overal, it was visual candy.
The subject of greatest debate will be the plot of this film. The message of the film is that violence begets violence. I think that idea is captured rather well. There is always this uneasy feeling that something is missing in the plot. One is never satisfied with closure. It all becomes senseless at the end, but thats the reality of the situation.
Anyhoo, I am tired and you guys can always read a detailed reviews in the papers.
This film is worth the price of admission.