My confession: I am a gaming asshole.
I admit that I am an online gaming asshole. Not all the time, mind you; but rather when I get so bored with the game that I decide to start doing some stupid shit. Things I have done:
* While playing "Firearms", a mod for Half-Life, I'd get bored of either getting killed all game, or of getting too many kills in game, so I'd start running rounds where I'd equip the grenade and activate it, and then rush to the pits or areas where groups of the enemy were concentrated. Doing that would group unskilled enemies towards me, and the more skilled (or lucky) players would shoot my player dead. Once I die, the grenade drops to the ground, 'sploding all enemies around me.
* While playing "Day of Defeat," and "Team Fortress Classic," two mods for Half-Life, I'd change my playername to "IamAspyKILLme," and run around team-killing my teammates. My catch was I only could do that with a knife.
* While playing NBA 2K5 for PS2 online, some games I'd get schooled so bad (yes, I suck at NBA 2K5 online) that I'd give up, and just see if I can foul out my entire team. I kept swinging my player's arms around until the ref called the foul for each play. This usually only happened in the fourth quarter, and the one person who said anything said he couldn't stop laughing, seeing all these NBA players doing nothing but skipping and swinging their arms around.
Am I alone on this? If you are a gaming asshole, confess! If not, what horror stories do you have with playing against gaming assholes?
Last edited by CityOfAngels; 12-26-2005 at 09:49 PM..