Originally Posted by pattycakes
wow its 2005 and people are still stuck on this terrorism thing... i gues bushes plan worked. we have always had terrorism, and always will.
the guy should be let free, because his rights were violated. pretty soon theywill be able to watch me shit for the frear that i might kill someone with my toxic ass.
+1 to free the terrorist
But this doesn't fit neatly into my assesment.
Originally Posted by stevo
I feel the terrorists are more of a threat to me than my government. Others feel the government is more of a threat to them than terrorists. Then, others don't even believe terrorists exist. Then, others do, but his name is George Bush.
Perhaps number 2? obviously not 3 since pcakes clearly states we have always had terrorism. maybe number 4, but thats a stretch.
Duck and Cover. Duck. and. Cover.