I don't think anyone but extremist are ever offended by what Holiday term people use.
I'm a Christian, and I've never been offended when someone says Happy Xmas, Happy Hannakuh, Happy Winter Solstice, Kwanzi (spelling?) or whatever holiday they celebrate. On the contrary!
I am not a jew but have no problem at all wishing someone that is a Happy Hannakuh.
There are Christians upset that Christmas is actually a peagan Holiday, and there are atheist upset that a Christian Holiday is being forced on them. Idiots.
The holidays are what you make them. Regardless of the term you use, Christmas has become, for me anyway, a family and friends holiday. A time to honor your friends and family and show appreciation towards them. To me that has nothing to do with my religion and everything to do with being a good person.
People complaining about the terms are just bitter little people imo and need to just go back to bed and leave everyone else alone.
There is NO ISSUE!