I actually read the ENTIRE report. (All 87 pages worth.) It is pretty biased. Although on the one hand, i did not find anything that was innacurate, the 'report' certainly did present a very distinct slant. Also, there were several places that repeat the same set of stats, or re-use the same quote in order to re-inforce a position or point later on in the same document. The author also uses ad-hominim arguments, and plays to the emotional side several times, which weakens his argument. Which, btw was pretty well researched. (Especially the stuff on SC decisions.) However, i cannot help but wonder how many of the pro-gun surveys are flawed or biased. (Several anti-gun surveys have been shown to have serious flaws in how they were worded, or thier criteria...etc.)
Does that mean it was wrong, or bad, or not valid? No. I just mean to say a message should always be evaluated according to the messanger, and his agenda is all too apperent.