Originally Posted by MORGAN_LeFAY
Thanks everyone, I think the specailist is the way to go, I'll probably talk to the doctor about it. I just wanted to see if anyone have experience this before, but I guess its just me >.<.
It's not just you

i will share my experience:
first of all... I don't think it has to do with being with 'the right person'... not at all..
I didn't orgasm for the first 3 years of having sex, I never had masturbated before or done anything like that and just like you, i was becoming frustrated with sex with my husband, who would try everything....... and i spoke to my gyno.. about it... her advice: Get a vibrator and teach yourself how to have an orgasm... '
Do you masturbate? Have you acheived orgasm by yourself??
Well, i was a little sheepish of getting a vibrator... but i did finally get one and i set the mood for myself and starting touching my clit with the vibrator... it really got me hot and i had my first ever orgasm.... now, some years later, i reach orgasm once, twice, sometimes three times in a day, both with my husband doing oral sex on me and masturbating...
So, my advice to you would be to really focus on masturbating... and get a vibrator. As my gyno. explained, reaching orgasm is something the body needs to be taught sometimes...
I hope this all works out... be patient with yourself and try not to fake with your S.O, just be honest and open with him about your issue and maybe he can help you pick out your new vibrator
i hope something i said can be of help...
but don't get down on yourself... LOTS of women have this problem, trust me.