anyone see him on bill oreilly? it was great...two egomaniacs taking shots at one another. stern made fun of the No Spin jackets, saying they weren't stylish enough. at one point, howard asked if they could take it outside. eventually oreilly tried to calm things down, saying that they were just joking around, and let howard talk about himself for a while.
O'REILLY: Who's your primary audience? All entertainers on all these programs have a primary audience. Who is your primary audience?
STERN: You know as well as I do, my primary audience are strippers, hookers, and crack whores. And I love them all.
STERN: Let's talk about that chazarai [Yiddish word for "junk"] now you're selling. It looks like you emptied out a junkyard and slapped your name on everything.
O'REILLY: OK, here's where we go.
STERN: And you've got a briefcase, the Bill O'Reilly briefcase. I wouldn't be caught dead with that. No offense.
O'REILLY: No, of course not.
O'REILLY: All right. Give me the "Factor" jacket. I'm only going to give you this "No Spin" jacket if you wear it. Are you going to wear it? Look, this is a beautiful, beautiful jacket.
STERN: It's not. Let me tell you why it's not. Can I be a fashion designer for a second?
O'REILLY: Look at the way you're dressed.
STERN: You see this? This grabs you around the middle. A guy's got a gut, this is going to squeeze his fat.
O'REILLY: This is a terrific garment. Now are you going to wear it? I'll give it to you.
STERN: The "No Spin" jacket?
O'REILLY: Yes. With the flag, the American flag. You are American.
STERN: I won't wear it, but I will give it to a crack whore.
O'REILLY: No. You're giving it back. I'm not having this on some lesbian somewhere. I'm not going to have it.