Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
 I love it!!
The local online rag, that I read, The Omaha World Herald Online, ran a similar poll. The results were the exact opposite of what I'm seeing here. Those that believed that there is truly a "War on Christmas" ran away with it, by about 1700 to 400 that did not believe there was an attack on Christmas. I wish I could access it, but alas...I cannot. I confess to being a little taken aback, realizing of course, just how conservative this area really is, at just how seriously some people are taking this.
To those who do take this so-called War on Christmas seriously, know this. I, a self avowed atheist, in no way, shape or form, want to take the spirituality away from your holiday. All I ask is that you allow me, and the rest of my ilk, to enjoy the secular aspects of it, in relative peace, harmony and goodwill. Isn't that, after all, what it's supposed to be all about? That said, I'm gonna go listen to Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire, Winter Wonderland, White Christmas, and a few other secular Christmas songs. And I may even listen to a little Silent Night, or Away in A Manger...just 'cause I like 'em. I'm gonna sip me some mulled wine, stare at my Christmas tree, and basically celebrate the holiday...my way.
Merry Christmas, all.
I think you'll see more of a difference in the Bible Belt. Those are the places where "the War on Christmas" is probably more believed.
To me, Christmas is just a time of year that is supposed to unite, but it truly doesn't matter what you want to call it or when it is, if you truly have the spirit of Christ/Buddha/ any great Master and their teachings within you.
Because you would have that spirit within you every day and every season.
Guess to the Christian Right though, Christmas is the end all and be all to everything. Another lost message from Christ that they just don't care about. Guess that this is the only time of year they feel they should truly worship Christ.
Celebrate Christ every day not just Christmas.
My religious and spiritual belief is that Easter should be far more important because that was when Christ made the ultimate sacrifice.... and yet this "Great Christian Nation" the Religious Right tries to sell us into believing we are..... barely even recognizes it as anything more than the beginning of Spring.
Guess I'm just whacky, for believing someone's dying to save me from whatever death holds, is more important than celebrating his birth.