If there were someone "famous" posting here, don't you think they would like to remain as anonymous as possible.
If you were famous wouldn't you just want to lay back and enjoy being anonymous? For fear people would hound you on the boards to the point you couldn't post anything without people either telling you how much they love/hate you?
I have a feeling there maybe one or 2 famous people one here.
But look at it like this if say Howard Stern, or Rush Limbaugh, or George Carlin, or anyone with a name were to say they posted here wouldn't that perhaps affect the board with publicity seekers trying to say things just to get quoted by these people, or noticed in some way. Then think of all the people flooding in here just to try to meet whoever.
I do think we have a famous name or 2 posting on here. Just a guess.....
The great thing about this is you can be as anonymous and volunteer only what you want. Plus, you can say anything you want and not fear any true retribution.
Let's say a famous movie star who speaks out in the press as a true liberal, posts his/her true views on politics and is pretty right winged. They can be themselves.... and perhaps that would be the attraction to this place. OR you are an actor/producer/director/writer etc. and you want to know what people think..... this is a pretty good place to get a great cross section and find out what would sell and to whom.
BTW if there is anyone famous on here ..... I have this investment in my sober house available.... call me.......
see what would happen.
Even the sanest of some of us may go overboard if we found out who truly posts on here.