Originally Posted by Poppinjay
Um, Clinton attempted to take bin Laden out and the lynch mob in congress screamed that he was "wagging the dog".
a few missles into an abandoned training camp is attempting to take him out? what do you call the refusal to take him when he was offered to us?
Additionally, bin Laden is still free as a bird, but we have captured Sadam and we've killed his sons, none of whom had anything to do with 9/11, contemptible as the may be.
he may not be in our custody, but he is not free as a bird. I don't recall any of his little videos hitting al-jazeera lately hidden with messages for his minions to attack. Do you? And its not the fact that saddam and his sons were involved in 9/11 per say. it is all related in the fact that there is an organization out there who wants to kill all the infidels and continue to bomb our buildings. where me, my family, my friends work, shop, eat, and live. taking saddam out removes any threat that he may have potentially posed. I know those are alot of auxillary verbs, but if in the end it turns out he was not that close to arming terrorists with WMDs, its not a lost cause since the shit-head is out of power. To me it is a win-win.
Sadam was in power since 60's (with our help in a 1963 coup). Now all of a sudden 2000 kids have to die because of weapons that do not exist?
so because of past actions, current and future actions that could correct the past should not be undertaken?? And to the more than 2,000 soldiers who have sacrificed their lives and the thousand others than have sacrificed parts of themselves, I am thankful, as many americans are. It was their choice to serve and you should respect that instead of using their sacrifice to justify your opposition.