Originally Posted by Charlatan
I would prefer a larger rebate on my childcare expenses. Single income homes while they sound great are not a practical option. One cannot afford to live in urban areas with only one income unless you either live in a slum or make enough to live in a mansion.
I am not confident that a national daycare is the solution. I would rather see a growth in not-for-profit daycares associated with Schools or better after school programs for older kids (grade one and up).
I'd have to disagree with your assessment on the single income option. My street has a fair number of one income families. Some strategies employed have been to rent out the basement as an apartment, or take in a Homestay student (quite a few of these - they are usually japanese girls living here for half a year or so to learn english. So the homeowner gets around $600/m for them).
My street is a fairly typical older neighbourhood, with a mix of single detached/or semi styled streetcar houses from the 1920's. The cost of a semi is about $400K. Neither a slum nor Forest Hill. I can itemize 8 households on my block who do the single income schtick.
For us, we both worked, and powersaved. Inlaws took care of the kids while they were very young. As soon as we discovered that inlaws were not appropriate homework monitors, we took the financial hit, and my wife retired to stay home. Today, she is volunteering on a field trip for my 8 yo son's class to a downtown green house (at UofT).