I recently (like, last week

) bought an LG 42 inch plasma beauty. Was so enthralled with the wonder of component video I noticed the distinct layout of the Soul Calibur 2 header whenever the screen was blank.
Slightly deterred, I cruised the rounds of the 'net. As with most new screens, all the settings were on high. New TVs are more prone to retaining images, too. Easily fixed, though. Just keep the settings on high, and switch the set to an untuned analogue TV station for a few hours. Gone! Good as new. I'm working on building up the hours on the TV as best I can - apparently once they hit 1000 there's very little chance of burn-in, especially at the right brightness et al settings.
The picture is great, though. The size vs price ratio beats LCD by a wide margin (and I don't need to be paranoid about dead pixels). A projector would be neat, but a) I have nowhere to put the screen and b) the lighting in my room sucks for it