So Peta has come out with a comic book....
PETA’s New Comic for Kids: Taking Aim at Dads Who Fish

Your Daddy Kills Animals! comicMost people wouldn’t expect PETA activists to visit the local fishing hole or hang out in front of tackle shops at fishing tournaments, but starting on September 24, Fish Amnesty Day, activists will take to the water with their sights on dads who are teaching their kids to abuse animals.
PETA’s pro-fish leaflet reminds fishers and their families that fish feel pain and fear when they are impaled in the mouth and ripped from their underwater homes and that they deserve to be treated with kindness, just like all animals.
Before they are desensitized to the suffering of animals, PETA aims to help kids see the violent bloody truth behind their fathers’ outdoor pastime.
Children will read: “Imagine that a man dangles a piece of candy in front of you. ... As you grab the candy, a huge metal hook stabs through your hand and you’re ripped off the ground. You fight to get away, but it doesn’t do any good... That would be an awful trick to play on someone, wouldn’t it?”
and you can download a .pdf of the comic book at
I thought this was pretty funny...just another example of PETA being their usual selves... i especially like the "Until your daddy learns that it’s not “fun” to kill,keep your doggies and kitties away from him.He’s so hooked on killing defenseless animals that they could be next!" part
ok well its time for me to go eat some fish!